Talk: The evolution of the Rails Assets Pipeline


Last month, at work, I was assigned to prepare a talk about the evolution of the Rails' Assets Pipeline to present it to the team at OmbuLabs.

I also applied to give the same talk (but in Spanish) at the Rubysur meetup for the argentinian community (and all spanish-speakers since it's online).

The talk is a summary of these 2 articles that me and my co-worker Fiona Lapham wrote:

So even though the recording of the talk is in Spanish, the articles are in English for non-spanish speakers (you can also turn on the automatic translation to english which is actually pretty good).

Here's the recording of the talk (there were some technical issues at the beginning so a small part was lost):

I also uploaded the slides to GitHub since they are made with HTML:

Click the link in the readme to use it.

I want to thank OmbuLabs for the time and the opportunity to prepare this talk, and the Rubysur organizers for letting me present it during the meetup.